CBD, Your Lifestyle, and Your Health

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You don’t have to be a health expert to have heard of CBD. The supplement is all the rage these days among health buffs and supplement experts. But what’s the deal with it, really? How is taking this substance different from smoking a joint — or, for that matter, ingesting hemp oil? From the science to the product use, we’ve got you covered below.

What is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid, which means that it’s one of more than one hundred substances within marijuana that affect our minds and bodies. Cannabinoids are the “active ingredients” of marijuana, but they don’t all do the same thing. THC, for example, is the cannabinoid that is overwhelmingly responsible for the way marijuana gets us “high.” If you roll a joint of a strain of marijuana with a lot of TCH, you’ll get high (and “regular” marijuana has plenty of THC). But if you smoke CBD joints all day, you won’t get high. That’s because CBD joints don’t have any THC; they’ll be full of a strain that’s high in CBD, not THC. Since the former is non-psychoactive, CBD joints won’t get you high, no matter how many of them you smoke.

But what will they do? For that matter, what will other products besides CBD flower (plant matter) do — things like CBD edibles, vape oils, and tinctures? Experts believe that these products may provide a whole host of health benefits. Chief among these benefits is a reduction of symptoms of anxiety, which has made this supplement very popular among young adults and users of all ages. There may also be other benefits, including the reduction of nausea and pain. We’re still learning more about what CBD hemp flower and hemp or marijuana in general can do for our health, but the news so far has been very good.


How to Get Your Supplements

When it comes to actually taking CBD, you have a lot of options. There are edibles and tinctures (alcohol solutions). There’s CBD hemp flower, too. (CBD hemp flower is plant material. You can roll a joint of CBD hemp flower or fill a bowl with it, just as you could roll a marijuana or hemp joint, or fill a bowl or bong with THC flower). There are vape oils, too. There are even coffees and alcoholic drinks infused with this stuff. There’s no “best way” to take CBD, though you may want to take some information into account before you choose e-cigarette use.

Your options are widely considered safe, though you should take certain precautions with some of them. Smoking regularly is terrible for you in the case of tobacco products, but it’s not as clear what sorts of consequences await those who regularly smoke non-tobacco products. Still, it’s wise to be cautious. Vaping may or may not be much healthier; the FDA and CDC have been concerned with the use of e-cigarettes, especially when it comes to youth vaping. There have even been cases of vaping injury and vaping illness (like lung disease) caused by certain vape products.

Happily, most cases of injuries and illnesses with electronic cigarettes have been associated with other sorts of e-cigarette products — not with the CBD variety. And if you find CBD joints for sale from a reputable company, you’ll be just fine enjoying them — health officials are just generally more approving of options like edibles and tinctures, which are sold by many of the same companies that sell joints and vape oils. Whatever option you go with, be sure to seek a doctor’s advice if you experience any unusual side-effects like chest pain.

All of these products are quite easy to come by, because CBD is widely legal throughout the United States. Retail locations and online retailers alike can sell CBD and hemp products that don’t contain THC (of course, the THC sort are also legal in states with legal marijuana).

It may sound incredible, but you really can get healthier from using a simple and natural product like CBD. Consider adding CBD to your health routine!

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